Friday, June 27, 2008

Kill Him

Like any other waste fellow on this earth, I'm also an engineer and I struggled (luckily only for) four years to get that degree in Information Technology, a new branch of engineering/technology that was fast evolving then. Even today I cannot make out the difference between this and one another branch, "Computer Science" except that we studied one subject in odd semester and they studied the same subject in even semester.

My college life was pathetic, I should say, for the staff lecturers who were coming to my class, just because of the only fact that I and MY GANG were there. Please don't go by the word GANG. It did not consist of any frauds or dacoits. It just consisted of a few students who realized soon enough that the tortures that their lecturers gave in the name of classes, were not worth to be endured any more. The cardinality of the gang was not so big but it was just four of us in the last bench and a few joining the gang and moving out on and off.

Of us four, I was the one who was the most careless and was obviously the least scorer in the exams. One other guy would be always with me except during the exam times. He will be having interest in studies at least during the exams. There was one other guy who was still in the gang but was watching things from a safe distance while they are happening. The final and the ultimate person, rather, the scape goat was the guy who will sincerely take notes of all the classes, listen to or at least act as though he listens to all the classes and has earned a very good name in my department. He was the story-teller of the entire class or even entire department rather.

Anyway I never bothered to listen to him often until and unless the subject was too much of theory. I would not do self-study either. Leaving that apart, having me in classes proved more often than not, to be a hindrance for the lecturers to carry on with their classes. I was not only ignoring what they were saying but also was passing suitable comments in the places where they paused and were expecting some interaction from the students. So as a safety measure, most of the lecturers ensure that I was not in the class either by myself or by sending me out.

Attendance was not a problem for me. After all for such a big help I was doing them by leaving the class room, they were grateful enough to give me attendance for that class. One day it was the first class for a new lecturer for the subject Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP), so she did not bother to send me out. She was continuing her lecture with out stopping for me to pass a comment. I was becoming impatient and could not tolerate that any more. I wanted to go out of the class immediately and GOD was so great that my most expected moment came.

She was talking about the delayed packets in the network and she was telling, "To make the network free from delayed packets, it is not enough only if you KILL the delayed packets in the network, but you should also.....?". There she gave a pause and was expecting some answers from the students. Suddenly my face brightened up and she too saw that and she was pointing to me and asked me to give the answer that she was expecting. I stood up and immediately every one in the class started laughing for they knew that I was going to tell some thing definitely other than the answer.

I thanked GOD for giving me this opportunity and cleared my throat and told the answer, "YOU SHOULD ALSO KILL THE PERSON WHO SENT THOSE PACKETS!!!".

Five minutes later I was a free bird roaming around the college and having tea in the canteen. Even now I do not know what is the right answer for that!!!


Bandana said...

Ultimate !! i must say!! what a student were u man ??? Who always used to seek out an opportunity to get out from class.How did all lecturer tolerate u ..a great sympathy for them and I pity for them.they would have been extreamly happy when u finished ur degree.Hats off to those lecturer for their 4 yr tolerance :P .. and a very great work done by u to irritate them at the fullest.

Anonymous said...

Hi Hari,

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Unknown said...

gr8 answer!!! cant control my laughter. I cant even imagine that u were such a reckless guy during those days. Hats off to ur boldness!!Very few students will have such guts to face their staff!!! I think ur lecturers will be shocked to see u today... cos there is a complete phase shift in ur character...Have to see ur blog after 5 years..Who knows..u might write another blog..speaking about ur status after college life:-)

Unknown said...

Good one. I wonder what was the reaction of the lecturer after ur comment. A good blog.:-)

Unknown said...

Excellent write up !!!

Unknown said...

Dey Hari,

Your writing is great.
Keep it up.


Nivas said...

First... congrats. I was expecting this for quite sometime now. Good start da. And keep going.
Hari can be really funny (of course I don't mean that he looks funny). As the scapegoat I had the first class ticket to all these. But I should say that it is kind of a hype that the lecturers were terrified of him. You should see him once and you know the reason. It is not possible to get terrified of him.
btw, does our SNMP Ma'am know about this write up?
...and as expected all>90% of audience are females.
He will never change in this aspect I think.

Balaji Natarajan said...

That was simply awesome :)